Tuesday, March 6, 2018

LLBN Arabic's Bible Figures

The Loma Linda Broadcasting Network has eight channels including five that are foreign language channels. These networks are managed and run by LLBN volunteers who recognize a need in their communities. One such volunteer is Irene Fargo. She hosts a program for children called Bible Figures on LLBN Arabic.

Bible Figures is a program which looks at different biblical characters. Irene’s goal is to teach children to follow Jesus, with the ultimate goal of being reunited with Him one day. Bible Figures looks at different stories from the Bible, focusing on the good, the bad, the results, and God’s love throughout all of it. The thirty-minute program includes a verse reading and Irene’s explanation of what that verse means for children.

Irene’s passion to start a children’s program came from her love for teaching Sabbath School classes in her home country of Iraq. Irene began her work with LLBN when the CEO and President, Ganim Hanna, invited her and her husband, Wisam, to join the LLBN family. Irene not only hosts Bible Figures, but she is also active throughout the Arabic channel. She has been involved with the Arabic live church services as well as Studies From The Gospel, a program with five different people that delve into and dissect the gospels.

When Irene first moved to the US, the language barrier prevented her from being involved as a volunteer with the church, something that had become vital in her life. When Ganim invited her and Wisam to work with LLBN Arabic, she saw a blessing and opportunity to share her love for God. Says Irene, “I am very thankful to the Lord for providing us with a new opportunity for service where we can present His precious word to many souls that are in great need of it.”

Irene has been hosting her program since June 2008. She is approaching her tenth year of teaching kids about the Bible. Irene’s commitment to her show and this ministry do not go unrewarded. One of her many viewers includes a young girl in San Diego and stays up until 10 pm each evening to watch the show. What a blessing it is to have such committed volunteers like Irene who are passionate about sharing the love of Jesus with the world!

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